


很有希望所以就用手机拍了下来... 顺便提醒自
己新的一天新的开始... 加油咯...

在Group A的日子...

最近超忙的,累死人了啦... 每天都有做不完的assignment... 一到学院不是交assignment就是拿到新assignment,不然presentation. 不7线才怪! 有时为了要赶快交出assignment,我连自己都不知道自己在干嘛. 只知道我要交我的assignment! 我真的很怀念我们过去在group C的日子. 那时是我觉得最自由的时候(我的自由是指可以自由发挥). 以前我们一有什么不明白时就会发问,现在我却不敢! 真没用! 可能我还不太能适应吧... 上课都快要一个月了,在不能适应就我接下来就完了啦. 我一定要加油,我还真不想浪费多半年的时间啊! 刚开始踏进group A时还有点战战兢兢地,毕竟都不认识对方嘛... 而且我们group C以前的上课时间也和他们不一样,根本都没接触到,大家也不懂对方是何方神圣. 但现在相处下来觉得他们人都蛮不错的. 有些还蛮搞笑的. 都还不错啦...我想我们之前都想太多了...


Study in college are really totally different with study in secondary school. Not only in how the lecturer was teaching,the feeling when we learning things are different too. My lecturer(Ms.Jolin) said we complete the assignment just because we want to pass up. We don't think about the things will be using in the future although it's useless for now. Some time i will think i want to give up but i know i can't waste the money of my father. I will tell my mind i want to have my own business so i can't give up. I must hard working to study and learning...